

Browse Result: Showing Top 10 Results

Searching For: 2411-0485 2411-0272

Corchorus L. and Hibiscus L.: Molecular Phylogeny Helps to Understand Their Relative Evolution and Dispersal Routes

Members of the genera Corchorus L. and Hibiscus L. are excellent sources of natural fibers and becoming much important in…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1829

Oca2 of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Regulates Pol II Transcriptional Termination

We describe a Schizosaccharomyces pombe protein kinase, Oca2, which is involved in transcription termination of a subset of genes. Lack…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1741

Two Cases of Klinefelter Syndrome Identified by Quantitative Fluorescence PCR (QF-PCR) Method

Chromosomal aneuploidy is a common cause of genetic abnormality in humans and leading cause of pregnancy loss and congenital birth…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1931

In Silico Computational Prediction of Anti-Breast Cancer Effect of Abruquinones from Abrus precatorius L.

Knowledge based searching of phytochemicals with potential anti-breast cancer effect from Abrus precatorius (L) with prediction of mechanism of action…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1807

Antioxidant Activity of Some Common Seasonal Fruits of Bangladesh

Natural antioxidants are beneficial for health promoting properties due to its ability to neutralize oxygen contain harmful, DNA-damaging radicals. Fruits…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1949

Genetic Analysis of Y-Chromosome 17 STR in Four Indigenous Populations from Bandarban

Despite rapidly growing understandings and dependency on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), highly variable autosomal 17 Y-chromosome short tandem repeats (STR)…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1606

Effect of Watering Frequency on Proximate Analysis of Pink Oyster Mushroom

Supplemented sawdust with different times of watering has profound effect on chemical composition of Pink Oyster mushroom. Three times watering…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1679

Computational Approach to Design a Potential siRNA Molecule to Silence the Nucleocapsid Gene of Different Nipah Virus Strains of Bangladesh

Nipah virus (NiV) is a single stranded negative-strand RNA virus which was first identified in Malaysia and Singapore. It causes…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1579

Evaluation of Antioxidant Status in Beta Thalassemia Major Patients in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo

In beta thalassemia major severe haemolysis and repeated blood transfusions lead to excess iron deposition in various body tissues. This…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1858

Pattern of Drug Resistance of Pathogenic Microbes in the Street Foods of Dhaka City, Bangladesh

The ready-to-eat (RTE) foods sold by the street vendors cause numerous public health hazards. A pilot study was carried out…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1552


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